Family Sponsorship

Family Sponsorships – For Spouse, Partner, Dependent Children, Parents & Grandparents, Relatives, Adopted Child

One of the objectives of Government of Canada is to see that families are reunited. Certain family members may qualify to settle in Canada long-term and become Permanent Residents under family class category. After becoming Permanent Residents, they can live, study and work in Canada, thus you no longer need to apply for visitor visa and provide letter of invitation. Many Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents can also bring their parents or grandparents to live permanently in Canada. Contact us at Visa And Immigration Solutions and ask us how you can reunite with your loved ones through different family class categories.

Visa And Immigration Solutions will be responsible for all correspondence and communication from IRCC about your application until a final decision is rendered.

Begin Your Application Today!

Call us at +1-905-463-8488 or Email us at to apply for or sponsor for loved one in Canada.

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